
Our clients often praise us for our efficiency, attention to detail and cost-effectiveness. We will never overcharge you for the work we do. With Spoilheap, you only ever pay for the hours we spend on your project.

Post-excavation management

With over twenty years' experience in post-excavation analysis, Spoilheap Archaeology is able to offer a full post-excavation management service. We can provide a complete package, starting from a review of your raw site date, through processing and analysis of contextual and artefactual data, to the final report, illustrations, publication and archiving.

We can offer preparation of manuscripts for publication, design services, copy-editing, typesetting and proofing.

Call us for advice or a quote on any part of the process.

Human skeletal remains

Sue Anderson has been working on human remains in archaeology since 1986 and has a throrough understanding of the issues involved. She is able to undertake assessment and analysis of both inhumed and cremated human remains to IfA and BABAO standards. Please ask if you would like a site visit or some advice about excavating or processing skeletons.

Ceramics and other finds

We carry out assessment and analysis of post-Roman pottery, Roman and later ceramic building material, and fired clay of all periods. We have long-term experience working in the ceramics of East Anglia, the East Midlands and Scotland. We also compile and contribute to MAP2 assessment reports on many other find types.

Design and photography

Website design and photography of artefacts are carried out by our highly experienced in-house graphic design specialist, Carleton Van Selman.