
Some of our recent and ongoing projects are described here.

Archaeology Scotland magazine

A thrice-yearly publication for Archaeology Scotland. Sue Anderson has been editing and typesetting the magazine since 2008. The format and design have recently changed to make the magazine more glossy and easier to store. The magazine is designed and typeset using Adobe InDesign.

Staunch Meadow, Brandon

This long-term post-excavation project is now complete. Sue Anderson originally analysed the human remains in 1990. Later she worked as joint project manager for the project when she was Finds Manager at Suffolk County Council Archaeology Service. After moving to CFA Archaeology Ltd, she was responsible for a number of the finds reports included in the publication, and more recently has edited and prepared the report for publication in the East Anglian Archaeology monograph series.

Binham Priory

A tile from Binham Priory. This project originally involved the analysis of a large assemblage of unstratified pottery and ceramic building material from the Ministry of Works clearance excavations carried out on the site in the 1930s. Spoilheap Archaeology was involved in bringing the work to publication. The report is now published in Norfolk Archaeology journal.