Castle Rising Castle

Norfolk (English Heritage)

Castle Rising Castle was built in about 1150 by William d'Albini. It consists of a stone rectangular keep inside an oval ringwork with two outer baileys. The depth of the ditches to the top of the ringwork banks is up to 112 feet (37 metres).

castle rising keep
beany z at castle rising

Beany Z (with the help of his hairy-armed assistant) shows us an area of rebuilding in the wall of the keep. The Castle has many such signs of change and remodelling, with inserted brickwork of Tudor date in many parts of the building.

Let's go inside now. There's the entrance,
through the Norman forebuilding.

above the entrance

Above the doorway there is 'blind arcading' of Norman round-headed arches, and above that are two roundels containing grotesque animal heads.

Click here to go inside